Returning Missionaries
Dear Parents,
As you are already aware, your son or daughter will soon be returning home from their current foreign mission assignment. My wife and I also have a daughter who is serving in Argentina and will also be coming home soon. As a result we find ourselves on the same “pins and needles” waiting for additional information…. I can only imagine the challenge it has been for each mission and the Missionary Department to handle the logistics of this huge undertaking. I thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this process.
We have been advised to limit the number of people welcoming each missionary at the airport upon their return. Where possible, just the parents should pick up missionaries from the airport.
There are many questions that arise as a result of these missionary adjustments. Although many of those questions have yet to be answered, please allow me to do what I can to answer a few questions to the best of my ability.
Does my son or daughter need to report to the stake president?
No. Upon arrival, your son or daughter should travel home to begin their 14 day self-isolation. (A copy of the Self-Isolation Guidelines for Missionaries is attached.) I will make arrangements to visit with your son or daughter following their self-isolation period. Whether in person or by video chat is yet to be determined.
Is my son or daughter still a missionary?
Yes! Your son or daughter is still a missionary and should continue to live by the mission rules and standards with one exception: There is no requirement to have a “companion” at all times as they normally would in the field. They should self-isolate upon arrival as best they can for the 14 day period. They should continue to adhere to all other missionary rules, standards, and schedules including bedtimes, wake-up, study time, etc.
Can my son or daughter go outside?
Yes. Your son or daughter should go outside at least once daily for exercise and fresh air. They should continue to observe wise guidelines for social distancing and personal contact. They should wear their name badge and have a companion when going outside.
What can (or can’t) my son or daughter do while at home under self-isolation?
I defer to you as parents, along with your son or daughter, to determine what activities fall within the missionary guidelines. To my knowledge there is no handbook of instruction for “self-isolated missionaries at home” so we are going to have to write our own handbook for now….. I would suggest following the spirit of the law in deciding what is appropriate and what is not. (I know that my daughter’s mission president authorized “card games” during their quarantine in Argentina. An activity otherwise prohibited by missionary standards. I can also tell you that my daughter will be catching up on Disney movies and singing lots of songs from Frozen 2 upon her return…..)
When will my son or daughter be reassigned?
I have not received much instruction on this accept that each missionary will be reassigned following the 14 day self-isolation period. As I learn more I will pass the information along.
Please express my love and appreciation to your sons and daughters for their faith and sacrifice. I know that they have already witnessed great miracles that come from inviting others to come unto Christ. I also know that miracles have not ceased! And that the work of gathering Israel will continue to move forward “boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has …….sounded in every ear.” I believe that our best days are ahead and look forward to working with each of them as they are reassigned to serve God’s children in another part of His vineyard.
Please do not hesitate to call or email me if I can be of further help! My cell phone is 559-213-4320.
Onward and upward!
Karter C. McKinlay, President
Fresno California West Stake
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
2788 W. Robinwood Ln
Fresno, California 93711
Cell & Text 559 213-4320
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