
Showing posts from March 21, 2021

Certificate of Honorable Release


Hellos and Goodbyes and Thank Yous and See You Soons

Hi! Thank you for supporting me these last 18 months and for allowing me to experience the most life changing adventure. My mission has been the hardest but most happiest time of my life. I am sooooo grateful for the support and encouragement I received from you both. Here and in Argentina.  WE DID IT! Hermana McKinlay

And Just Like That! 18 Months Later...

  Family and Friends! This is it! This is the last email you have to see pop up in your inbox from Hermana McKinlay! You have officially survived these last 18 months! Way to go ;) Well, not sure where to start. This week Hermana Oldroyd and I were able to see two of our most favorite people be baptized and become members of La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Maybe you saw me post about it on Facebook or Instagram. Best day of my mission. Best day of my life. Giulianna was someone Hermana Oldroyd actually contacted through Instagram a few months ago. Once I got to the area we started teaching her pretty consistently. She was so prepared. Giulianna is the only member in her family and doesn't have a ton of support, but she knows the Church is true! She knows that God knows that she knows and there ain't no denying it ;) Andres was someone who came to church about a month ago. Previous sister missionaries had taught him, about a year ago, and they reached...