
Showing posts from March 22, 2020

Returning Missionaries

  Dear Parents,   As you are already aware, your son or daughter will soon be returning home from their current foreign mission assignment.  My wife and I also have a daughter who is serving in Argentina and will also be coming home soon.  As a result we find ourselves on the same “pins and needles” waiting for additional information….  I can only imagine the challenge it has been for each mission and the Missionary Department to handle the logistics of this huge undertaking.  I thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this process.     We have been advised to limit the number of people welcoming each missionary at the airport upon their return.  Where possible, just the parents should pick up missionaries from the airport.   There are many questions that arise as a result of these missionary adjustments.  Although many of those questions have yet to be answered, please allow me to do what I can to answer a few quest...

Trust In The Lord

  Family and Friends, These last few days haven't quite felt real.I keep thinking about how emotional I should be but to be completely honest I think I'm still in shock.  About 5 days ago the whole mission (Salta, Argentina) was put on quarantine to comply with the nationwide quarantine. Basically, we can't leave our apartments. Yesterday, we received a message from President Orquera that announced all foreigner missionaries will be returning to their native country. I saw it happening to a lot of my friends serving outside of the USA but then Hermana Parker and I received the news and just couldn't believe it.  I think the right word is heartbroken, but I guess this is the part of my mission where I learn to really hand it ALL over to the Lord. This is His work and I know He is more than aware of His missionaries. I so thankful for the 6 months I got to spend here in Argentina. I'm so thankful for the people I met, taught, and watched come unto Christ.  Grateful fo...