The Positives (other than my COVID test)

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! So I lost my taste and smell this week! You don't realize how depressing that is until it happens hahahaha it's weird though because I can taste when things are salty, sour, or sweet without actually....tasting them. It's wack. I'm not really sure how the science works but what I HAVE learned this week is about a million ways to "cure" COVID, according to every Latino ever. All I really want to know is why COVID hasn't been wiped out when every Latino is out here with the cure! They're not keeping it a secret or anything. Eucalyptus leaves, burnt oranges, 3 lemons mixed with 3 asprins (serious....), crest mouthwash (we got a tutorial on that one. ha...?!), and every tea ever made (Word of Wisdom guidelines of course ;)). I would probably say all of our "lessons" this week were 20% gospel of Jesus Christ and 80% how to cure COVID. I have to be honest and admit that I have tried none of the tips, so I have no right to ...