¡Hola Familia y Amigos! Woooohoooo! This last week I hit my YEAR mark! So crazy to think a year ago I was just starting my MTC experience. It feels like yesterday. If you would have told me a year ago that I would end up finishing my mission in SLC, Utah due to a worldwide pandemic which, would also send me (and everyone else) home for 2 months...lol. I'm grateful God knows more than I do and I know He has a plan, an individual plan, for each one of His children. So this week: Transfers!!! This week was my last week with Hermana Goold and Skinner. We made this super cute, super homemade, video for our area Facebook page to remind people about General Conference and it was so fun. My actress dreams came true for about 59 seconds. Check it out on my FB page :) But yes, TRANSFERS! I am leaving! :'( I'm getting transfered to West Valley to be an STL (Sister Training Leader). I'm hyped for the opportunity to serve and hope that the Lord will be able to use me as an instru...