16 Months! Wooohoo!

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! Ok so I have been totally off my email-writing game these last two weeks which stinks because there have been SO MANY MIRACLES! God's hand has been so present these last few weeks and Hermana Jones and I are so lucky to have the chance to be a part of His work in the Lighthouse area right now. So Judith brought her two daughters to church this week and it was awesome to meet them. One of them is 8 and the other is 11. They are adorable. We gave them a tour of the church and were talking about God when one of the little girls paused and said, "God is a god of miracles because now I am here with my mom." Judith has been here, away from her daughters, for a while and it has been so hard on her. One of the ward members, sweet Hermana Galvez, took Judith and her daughters right under her wing when they walked into church on Sunday. She actually made them move pews in the middle of the meeting so they could go sit next to her. Speaking of church, Ruby...