Getting Good At Rejection

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! Basically dating after the mission will be a breeze hahahahaha #rejection Well, I sent an email like 5 days ago but because today is Pioneer Day, we get p-day #2 this week!......which also means this upcoming Monday is not a p-day #bummer #9dayweek. Shoot me some emails. Tell me what's happening in life. Send pics, voice recordings, yummy recipes, etc. OR you can send CRUMBL ;) We love a needy hermana. Today I destroyed some elders in Four Square. It felt pretty good because they sort of demolished me in Spikeball. It was embarrassing. Took me back to my 4th grade days. Also Hermana Skinner and I have decided to pick up running. We run every morning and it feels AMAZING until 10am rolls around and my head is bobbing during studies. Not really sure if the running is going to do anything, especially if we keep up with our weekly eating habits. We got Fizz twice this week and I'm pretty sure that's not healthy. Hermana Skinner is great. I seriousl...