¡Hola Familia y Amigos! Just stepping in here for two seconds to tell everyone to VOTE! BE A GOOD CITIZEN AND EXERCISE A RIGHT SO MANY PEOPLE FOUGHT FOR YOU TO HAVE. Thank you and amen. This week was good! I wrote my mission president earlier this week and told him that every week goes by quicker than the last. Serious! Transfers happen next week and I am so sad! Hermana Goold and Hermana Skinner have been so fun and I can't wait for everyone to meet them at my wedding lol This week we had the opportunity to go teach Alejandro and Angelina in their home!!! We had previously dropped off some copies of the Book of Mormon at their house and this week we finally had the chance to teach them about it! You could immediately feel the Spirit when you walked into their home. It was so beautiful. They were both really receptive and asked a lot of great questions. Man, questions are so important. Ask questions. We invited them to read 3 Nephi 11, when Christ comes to the Americas after his ...