How to Recognize When the Lord is Speaking to US

Hi you guys!!! I'm still disappointed in the last group email I sent out so I'm going to try and make up for it with this one haha This is my last week in the Centro de Capacitación Misional México! I received my flight plans to Argentina on Tuesday and am "flipping a bean" over here (to quote Elder Lewis from my district) hahaha. I cannot believe this is real. Most of me is mad hyped for the field. Just get me out there and let to talk to everyone in the gnarliest castellano ever haha. But there is also this tiny (and I mean tiny) part of me that is super terrified. Only because the CCM is sort of like Heaven. Everything is mapped out for you. Meal times, classes, devotionals, etc. So we'll see how this goes haha. Next email from Hermana McKin will be coming from Argentina! Not going to lie, still in shock I'm on a mission. Full send baby! My flight leaves from Mexico City at 1pm and I have a layover in Panama City, which is freaking DOPE. Then off ...