¡Hola Familia y Amigos! Feliz pday a todos! The countdown has begun...this transfer has absolutely flown by! But it's not over yet. There's still a lot more work to be down. Especially in the Rio Vista YSA ward! Wohooo!! So this week was probably the most insane. Hermana Oldroyd and I have stopped breathing haha. We just don't have time to breathe anymore. This week we gave a training in our Zone Conference and it was awesome! We totally tricked all the missionaries into thinking we were unprepared and distracted (that was the topic of our training, "creating an environment where the Spirit can testify"). We even got President McBeth. I felt accomplished haha Yesterday, Sunday, we had 6 people come to church. 6 investigators :) it was awesome. That's actually pretty typical for the YSA ward. We also invited 2 people to be baptized and they accepted! One of them, Giulianna, actually responded with, "Oh ya. I've been thinking about that for a while....