Trying to Make Post (Malone) Proud

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! So this week Hermana Oldoryd and I rapped happy birthday to an elder in our mission and it was...epic. We laugh a lot. Like.....a lot. Serving in the Spanish YSA (Young Single Adults [trying to get married!]) ward is SO fun. I have never been so busy in my life. There is just so much to do. There have been multiple nights where Hermana Oldroyd and I haven't been able to eat dinner because we have just been go-go-goin. I love it though. I wouldn't trade it for anything. We are teaching some AMAZING people. One of which is Javier. Javier is straight golden. He is so prepared and he came to church on Sunday and loved it. So many of the members have been present in lessons and he has lots of friends. One of which is a recent convert named Pedro. I love Pedro and he is one of the best ward missionaries ever! Speaking of recent converts, this week Hermana Oldroyd and I were able to video call Roberto! Roberto was found by Hermana Oldroyd but liv...