"It is not our successes, but rather our sacrifices and efforts...

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! ...that matter to the Lord." -Terence M. Vinson It's only 3pm and I feel beyond tired hahaha. This morning we decided to go hike the Lake Blanche Trail up Big Cottonwood Canyon and it felt SO nice to get out of the house...even if I have blisters on both feet and a half broken left ankle. Chacos did not come in clutch but the time outside was worth it. Also, ANY excuse to drive by Post Malone's house ;) This week felt long. We've tried to fill our schedules with more service projects to get us outside and helping people. This week we got together with about 12 other elders to rip out a ton of weeds for this lady in our ward. She's from Argentina and is so so sweet. She has 2 kids she's trying to get out on missions but they're not super fond of that idea which makes me sad. The Guitierrez family sold their home so we're the last group of missionaries they'll live with. I think I mentioned this last week but they've hou...