I Didn't Proofread This So I'm Sorry

¡Hola Friends and Family! We're OFFICIALLY in my second out transfer here in the field. Still with Hermana V. because I'm a baby and am in training but in 6 more weeks I'll be the real deal. I am not ready to be out of training but at the same time I'm ready to get this ball ACTUALLY rolling. My Spanish skills however, beg to differ. This week was my first really hard week in the field and WOW did I let it get to me! I think I thought I knew where my limit was, but Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves and doesn't give us anything we can't handle. ENTONCES, He knows my limit and will take care of me these next 15 (woah 15) months. But here's some fun stuff: Hermana V. and I were talking to this lady named Maria about faith this week. She's pretty old and has a lot of health problems, like not being able to walk. She just sits in a plastic chair outside of her house and watches the street. For the majority of our little l...