¡Hello Friends and Family! I am not going to lie when I say that this week was absolutely brutal for me. REALLY understanding the whole "refiner's fire" story now. But another week down so that's good. I really am trying to do my best to respond to emails! I read EVERY email I receive but am getting a little behind on responding so I apologize. Love you ALL! Thank you for writing and supporting me. This week was a blur. They all have been. It really is true what they say, "the days feel like weeks but the weeks feel like days." Except this week. This week felt like 15 years ahahahaha. The ward Hermana V. and I are serving in is pretty messed up. There are a lotttt of problems so I think we're going to try and work a lot through members. Except one of our lunches this week (with members. all our lunches are with members) was four hours and I was starting to get a little drained out to say the least. But I don't know castellano so I ...