This is NOT missionary work. This is EVERYBODY work.

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! This week FLEW by. Probably because my companions and I have literally so much fun together. Hermana Skinner and Hermana Goold are the best. I don't want transfers to come! :,( This week we found 3 investigators and one of them is (was*...I'll get to it) scheduled to get baptized!!! His name is Rafael and he is the sweetest soul. He is so so so good. We gave him a Book of Mormon and during our third lesson the Spirit was SO strong. All three of us felt like we needed to invite Rafael to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ. So we did! His baptism is (was*) scheduled for October 3rd butttttttttt last night he went to Mexico.......super sad. His mom passed away due to COVID and he needs to be with his family there. Rafael's life is hard here, so far away from his family, especially with all the crazy things going on. Keep him in your prayers. This email is sort of short and lame but WRITE ME!!! I want to hear about everyone's lives! Thank ...