"What are you going to name YOUR parasite?"

Yes, you read that subject line right. It's been a rough week here at the Mexico City CCM this week...if ya know what I mean. An elder in District 12B lost 25 lbs. and discovered he had a tapeworm. Luckily, it's no longer in his body. The news spread fast and everyone has been losing their minds this week. Turns out he ate some weird tacos in the Mexico City airport 3 weeks ago and that's where the worm came from. But everyone is still skeptical about that story because the bathroom lines are longer than usual. Probably shouldn't dive too deep into that story but if you want an idea of what the CCM has been like this week, read Ether 14:18..............yup......... A week ago I went to the Mexico City temple and did a session! Super cool experience. Stunning temple. The celestial room was gorgeous. I think I'm going to go again next week because I'm not quite sure how I'm going to survive not going to the temple for 17 months. I think I'll...