Showing posts from March 14, 2021
And Just Like That!!!

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! I can't believe this is the last week of my mission! Like what?!?! But we don't have time to talk about that. This week was so good! As usual here in the Rio Vista ward. There's always something happening. On Tuesday, Hermana Oldroyd and I had exchanges and I was able to be with Sister Allred! She is such a beautiful and genuine person. I love people like that. She is actually waiting to go to Russia. It was so good to be with her and introduce her to the crazy Latino YSA ward haha. She is one of my examples and she doesn't even know it! Wednesday was crazy. Lots of lessons and meetings and Instagram stuff. Andres is preparing to be baptized this Saturday and had all sorts of questions about the Book of Mormon and....fasting haha. I loved it. We also had the chance to teach the Christensen's. They are the MTC president (and wife) for the Colombia MTC but with COVID they were reassigned to the SLCW mission to be a counselor (and wife) ...