Elder Gonzalez of the Seventy !!!

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! So this is sorta cool: My comps and I were able to meet Elder Walter F. Gonzalez this week! Don't know how but we were invited to go to the mission office and teach with him, his wife, and President McBeth. It was super cool. He left before we could get a picture so that was a bummer. But anyways, that was a tender mercy during the beginning of the week. The first half of this week was rough. Pero bueno. We have a new investigator! His name is Rafael and he is awesome! We had an appointment with him and the Elders Quorum president and his wife. We talked about the peace and hope that comes from our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Spirit was SO strong. We invited Rafael to pray about our message so we will get to talk to him later this week! Keep him in your prayers! He's the best. COVID regulations are slowly but surely easing up. It's nice to finally start to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for the support and prayers. I'm a lucky H...