Mission Round TWO!

¡Hola Familia y Amigos! Just a heads up for those of you who have read this far ;) I can only communicate with friends or extended family through email. It's really sad haha but email me if anything exciting happens! Made it to Salt Lake on Tuesday! Super far flight haha. It was actually really cool walking through the airport and seeing so many missionaries arriving and departing.Time for round 2! At the mission office (which is just a part of a church building #utah) I met my mission president and his cute wife, President and Sister McBeth. After that, I met my companions (hay dos!) Hermana Jenkins and Clark. I still am not really sure which one is which hahahaha I'm dead serious I mix up their names ALL the time and feel SO awkward trying to get a glance at their tags. I don't think they've noticed yet which is good. Having two companions is stressful. Anyways, (I THINK) Hermana Clark is from Kansas and she has 7 months in the field. Hermana Jenkins is from Calif...