
¡Hola Familia y Amigos! I am being transferred! My last area will be the Rio Vista Spanish YSA ward! I'm super excited! In the YSA wards we get to use instagram and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that hahaha Trying to think about all the good things that have happened this week. It's all kind of a blur and I have a feeling that's exactly how these next 6 weeks will go. I feel like I just started my training in Argentina....yesterday. But Lighthouse has been such a great experience. I have learned and grown so much. The members and youth are amazing and I will miss cute Judith and her daughters. I think more than anything, I'm just grateful. Grateful for my companions, my experiences in both Argentina and Utah, the Book of Mormon, and the gentle reminders that God is aware of each one of us. These last 16 months I have been so blessed! And it's not even over yet :) I'm excited to see what's in store for me this next transfer! Alma 29:9 - "I ...