Katie Killed Christmas AND a Cockroach
¡Hola Amigos y Familia!
Let me explain.
As it is now December, and one of the BEST times of the year, I was asked to start playing Christmas hymns in sacrament meeting. Well, I spent very little time (actually none. I spent no time) practicing this week. I really don't think it could have gone any worse haha. I did not "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" and "Angels We Have Heard on High" the justice they deserve. The walk I made from the piano to the pew after the sacrament hymn was one of great....verguenza.
Now onto the other thing I murdered. Everyone who's served in South or Central America has some story about bugs, but it never crossed my mind that I would have one. The other day, I got out of the shower and felt something fall on my foot. I didn't have my contacts in or my glasses on so all I saw was this black blob. But then it MOVED and I REALIZED it was a COCKROACH! Horrible horrible horrible moment. Poor Hermana V. was on the other side of the wall, on the phone with our district leader, giving him the daily rundown. I guess my shrieks of terror were so loud he could hear too. Welcome to Argentina I guess.
Had another language mess up this week too. That means I'm learning though, right? I was talking to a man who asked where I was from. That's normally like the second question out of people's mouths when they see me. Anyways, when he found out I was from the USA (land that I love baby), he asked me if I would be willing to take him and his family there when I return home. I didn't quite understand the way he phrased the question, and I felt bad asking him to repeat himself a THIRD time, so I just tried to guess from the previous context. Well I was way off. I thought he was asking about the weather so I told him it was winter back home. When I told him the weather in California he was way confused and started laughing. Thanks a lot Hermana V., she started laughing too. Something you learn, very early on as a missionary learning a language, is to watch body language and laugh when other people laugh. So I started laughing because everyone else was. So there we all were. Laughing at my stupid response and I didn't even realize it. Hermana V. didn't explain what he had asked until after we had left. Love her.
Had a jam sesh with this family in our ward this week. Brother Barrionuevo is big into music and composing and stuff so he showed Hermana V. and I a rendition of "Nearer My God to Thee" he composed. It brought back some very vivid high school "Musicianship IV" memories, memories I had buried deep. He composed his piece using a website similar to one I used for my compositions in high school. I had to keep myself from laughing because automated instruments on those apps sound horrible. Never in my life did I think I'd come across that app again, let alone in Argentina, but here I am. Hermano B. and his wife took us into this room where they had two violins, a cello, and a piano. SO random, but we had a total jam sesh! I was on the piano, Hermana B. and V. on violins, and Hermano B. on the cello. Hermano B. said he uploaded the video he took of us to Youtube but when I checked it wasn't there. We're performing the piece for the ward christmas party so I'll see if someone can get a video of that when it happens.
Didn't have ice cream for dinner this week but I did learn how to cook carne over a fire behind the chapel in rain. See pictures below.
Where the Magic Happened
I want to finish with a spiritual thought! Ya know...missionary stuff :) I love this scripture in Acts 20:24 that says: "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." Woohoo! Missionary work! I want to bear my testimony on the importance and power of missionary work! It is SO important and I feel extremely blessed that I have the opportunity to share my knowledge with the people here in Argentina. What a joy the gospel of Jesus Christ is. I know the Church of Jesus Christ is true! It is the only church on the earth that contains the fulness of the gospel and I LOVE IT! Eternally grateful. I know this is where I need to be.
More stuff happened this week but I can't quite remember everything. I love you all and am thankful for your emails and support, as always. I'm a lucky Hermana.
Hermana McKinlay
The amount of matches it took me to ATTEMPT to light our stove
The cutest kid (Donaldo) and his TINY kittens and Thumbs up from Donaldo
Another one because seriously can you even
Bonding (at least for Hermana V.) with Lisiana
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